Books and writing—two things that make my world go round. I once believed that anything worth learning or knowing could be found between the pages of a book or newspaper. I still believe that, but now I would add the better blogs and newsletters as sources for gleaning knowledge and information. Yet one thing has remained true over time. The written word is still powerful in all its glorious forms, with the potential to educate, inform, and inspire. This was one of the reasons why I knew early on that I wanted to become a writer.

On Books and Writing

This Creative Life

As far back as I can remember, I almost always had a book in my hands and I knew from a young age that I wanted to become a writer. I also pursued other creative outlets such as sewing and crafting jewelry. And then somehow, someway, at some point, I ditched the writing and other creative pursuits to chase a more “lucrative” career. I ended up working with data as a research analyst. Go figure. Yes, I had strayed far and wide from my true aspirations. Then finally in my thirties, I realized I wasn’t feeling fulfilled. So I pivoted and rediscovered the joy of living a more creative life, first as an editor and eventually as a writer. Now here I am, a bestselling author living a life that allows me to indulge my imagination through my books—both fiction and non-fiction—as well as a blog and newsletter.

You Never Know

About my latest novel…

“The thing I love about Connie Briscoe now is the same thing I’ve always loved about Connie Briscoe—she writes highly commercial, pacey, character-driven stories. She was made for domestic suspense.”

—Karin Slaughter
New York Times bestselling author


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